Results for 'A. General Logic'

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  1. Generalized logical operations among conditional events.Angelo Gilio & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2019 - Applied Intelligence 49:79-102.
    We generalize, by a progressive procedure, the notions of conjunction and disjunction of two conditional events to the case of n conditional events. In our coherence-based approach, conjunctions and disjunctions are suitable conditional random quantities. We define the notion of negation, by verifying De Morgan’s Laws. We also show that conjunction and disjunction satisfy the associative and commutative properties, and a monotonicity property. Then, we give some results on coherence of prevision assessments for some families of compounded conditionals; in particular (...)
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    Conditionals and modularity in general logics.Dov M. Gabbay - 2011 - New York: Springer. Edited by Karl Schlechta.
    This text centers around three main subjects. The first is the concept of modularity and independence in classical logic and nonmonotonic and other nonclassical logic, and the consequences on syntactic and semantical interpolation and language change. In particular, we will show the connection between interpolation for nonmonotonic logic and manipulation of an abstract notion of size. Modularity is essentially the ability to put partial results achieved independently together for a global result. The second aspect of the book (...)
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    How does probability theory generalize logic?David Miller - 2004
    Rolando Chuaqui y yo, nos encontramos una ´ unica vez, en Bah´ıa Blanca en agosto 1992, en el Simposio Latino- Americano de L´ ogica Matem´ atica. Lamentablemente, Chuaqui muri´ o antes de mi pr´ oxima visita a Am´ erica del Sur, igual que otro gran l´ ogico latinoamericano, Carlos Alchourr´ on. Chuaqui estuvo en Bah´ıa Blanca juntos con varios alumnos que hablaron sobre aspectos de la l´.
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    General dynamic logic.Johan van Benthem - 1994 - In Dov M. Gabbay, What is a logical system? New York: Oxford University Press.
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    How Tarskian are Carnap's Semantics?Kai F. Wehmeier Logic - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-19.
    It is a commonplace of the history of analytic philosophy that Carnap swiftly adopted Tarskian semantics in the mid-1930s. There is no doubt that, in a very general sense, this is true. But to what extent are the innovative technical details characteristic of Tarski's method, specifically the handling of quantification by way of a satisfaction relation between formulas and variable assignments, reflected in Carnap's writings on semantics? Curiously enough, their essentials are in place just before Carnap took the purported (...)
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  6. Generalized logical consequence: Making room for induction in the logic of science. [REVIEW]Samir Chopra & Eric Martin - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (3):245-280.
    We present a framework that provides a logic for science by generalizing the notion of logical (Tarskian) consequence. This framework will introduce hierarchies of logical consequences, the first level of each of which is identified with deduction. We argue for identification of the second level of the hierarchies with inductive inference. The notion of induction presented here has some resonance with Popper's notion of scientific discovery by refutation. Our framework rests on the assumption of a restricted class of structures (...)
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    Coherence as Generalized Logical Equivalence.Wouter Meijs - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (2):231-252.
    In this paper I consider whether there is a measure of coherence that could be rightly claimed to generalize the notion of logical equivalence. I show that Fitelson’s (2003) proposal to that effect encounters some serious difficulties. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that no mutual-support measure could ever be suitable for the formalization of coherence as generalized logical equivalence. Instead, it appears that the only plausible candidate for such a measure is one of relative overlap. The measure I propose (...)
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    Truth and Falsehood: An Inquiry Into Generalized Logical Values.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The book presents a thoroughly elaborated logical theory of generalized truth-values understood as subsets of some established set of truth values. After elucidating the importance of the very notion of a truth value in logic and philosophy, we examine some possible ways of generalizing this notion. The useful four-valued logic of first-degree entailment by Nuel Belnap and the notion of a bilattice constitute the basis for further generalizations. By doing so we elaborate the idea of a multilattice, and (...)
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  9. Kant’s General Logic and Aristotle.Kurt Mosser - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:181-189.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant uses the term “logic” in a bewildering variety of ways, at times making it close to impossible to determine whether he is referring to (among others) general logic, transcendental logic, transcendental analytic, a "special" logic relative to a specific science, a "natural" logic, a logic intended for the "learned" (Gelehrter), some hybrid of these logics, or even some still-more abstract notion that ranges over all of these (...)
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  10. Stoic logic and multiple generality.Susanne Bobzien & Simon Shogry - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (31):1-36.
    We argue that the extant evidence for Stoic logic provides all the elements required for a variable-free theory of multiple generality, including a number of remarkably modern features that straddle logic and semantics, such as the understanding of one- and two-place predicates as functions, the canonical formulation of universals as quantified conditionals, a straightforward relation between elements of propositional and first-order logic, and the roles of anaphora and rigid order in the regimented sentences that express multiply (...) propositions. We consider and reinterpret some ancient texts that have been neglected in the context of Stoic universal and existential propositions and offer new explanations of some puzzling features in Stoic logic. Our results confirm that Stoic logic surpasses Aristotle’s with regard to multiple generality, and are a reminder that focusing on multiple generality through the lens of Frege-inspired variable-binding quantifier theory may hamper our understanding and appreciation of pre-Fregean theories of multiple generality. (shrink)
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    Deductive Logic.David Keyt - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 29–50.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Statements The Square of Opposition Figure and Mood Deduction Counterexamples Independence Soundness Completeness: Syllogistic Arguments Completeness: Categorical Arguments Completeness: Arguments in General Note Bibliography.
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  12. Logical Mistakes, Logical Aliens, and the Laws of Kant’s Pure General Logic.Tyke Nunez - 2018 - Mind 128 (512):1149-1180.
    There are two ways interpreters have tended to understand the nature of the laws of Kant’s pure general logic. On the first, these laws are unconditional norms for how we ought to think, and will govern anything that counts as thinking. On the second, these laws are formal criteria for being a thought, and violating them makes a putative thought not a thought. These traditions are in tension, in so far as the first depends on the possibility of (...)
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  13.  13
    Stability and General Logics.Tapani Hyttinen - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):219-240.
    In this paper we make an attempt to study classes of models by using general logics. We do not believe that Lww is always the best logic for analyzing a class of models. Let K be a class of models and L a logic. The main assumptions we make about K and C are that K has the L-amalgamation property and, later in the paper, that K does not omit L-types. We show that, if modified suitably, most (...)
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    Generalized Correspondence Analysis for Three-Valued Logics.Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):423-460.
    Correspondence analysis is Kooi and Tamminga’s universal approach which generates in one go sound and complete natural deduction systems with independent inference rules for tabular extensions of many-valued functionally incomplete logics. Originally, this method was applied to Asenjo–Priest’s paraconsistent logic of paradox LP. As a result, one has natural deduction systems for all the logics obtainable from the basic three-valued connectives of LP -language) by the addition of unary and binary connectives. Tamminga has also applied this technique to the (...)
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    Measure-Entailment and Support in the Logic of Approximate Generalizations.Ernest Adams & Gerhard Schurz - 2018 - In Alessandro Giordani & Ciro de Florio, From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 341-372.
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    Modeling generalized implicatures using non-monotonic logics.Jacques Wainer - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (2):195-216.
    This paper reports on an approach to model generalized implicatures using nonmonotonic logics. The approach, called compositional, is based on the idea of compositional semantics, where the implicatures carried by a sentence are constructed from the implicatures carried by its constituents, but it also includes some aspects nonmonotonic logics in order to model the defeasibility of generalized implicatures.
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    The Logic of Generalized Truth Values and the Logic of Bilattices.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):91-112.
    This paper sheds light on the relationship between the logic of generalized truth values and the logic of bilattices. It suggests a definite solution to the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, \ and \ , considered in a language without implication and determined via the truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 . The solution is based on the fact that a certain algebra isomorphic to SIXTEEN 3 generates the variety of commutative (...)
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  18.  26
    Logical metatheorems for accretive and (generalized) monotone set-valued operators.Nicholas Pischke - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (2).
    Accretive and monotone operator theory are central branches of nonlinear functional analysis and constitute the abstract study of certain set-valued mappings between function spaces. This paper deals with the computational properties of these accretive and (generalized) monotone set-valued operators. In particular, we develop (and extend) for this field the theoretical framework of proof mining, a program in mathematical logic that seeks to extract computational information from prima facie “non-computational” proofs from the mainstream literature. To this end, we establish logical (...)
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  19. Generalized Quantifiers in Dependence Logic.Fredrik Engström - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):299-324.
    We introduce generalized quantifiers, as defined in Tarskian semantics by Mostowski and Lindström, in logics whose semantics is based on teams instead of assignments, e.g., IF-logic and Dependence logic. Both the monotone and the non-monotone case is considered. It is argued that to handle quantifier scope dependencies of generalized quantifiers in a satisfying way the dependence atom in Dependence logic is not well suited and that the multivalued dependence atom is a better choice. This atom is in (...)
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    Logics for Qualitative Inductive Generalization.Diderik Batens - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (1):61 - 80.
    The paper contains a survey of (mainly unpublished) adaptive logics of inductive generalization. These defeasible logics are precise formulations of certain methods. Some attention is also paid to ways of handling background knowledge, introducing mere conjectures, and the research guiding capabilities of the logics.
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    To Teach Critical Thinking and Clear Speaking. Postulates of Criticism and Clarity and the Issue of So Called General Logic.Marcin Będkowski - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 31:5-24.
    In the paper, I have presented a portrait of Jerzy Pelc as a teacher. He followed in the footsteps of Kazimierz Twardowski and his direct disciples and tried to develop his students’ skills of critical thinking and clear speaking—the basics of good work in philosophy. These skills are connected with methodological postulates of criticism and precision which were shared by all the members of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Jerzy Pelc treated these postulates also as didactic postulates arising out of the conceptions (...)
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    Logic and General Theory of Science.Edmund Husserl - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The stated subject of these lecture courses given by Husserlbetween 1910 and 1918is ‘reason, the word for the mental activities and accomplishments that govern knowledge, give it form and supply it with norms.’ They show their author still pursuing the course set out in the Logical Investigations up to the end of the second decade of the century and displaying utter consistency with stands that he began taking on meaning, analyticity, Platonism, manifolds, mathematics, psychologism, etc. in the 1890s. Thus, they (...)
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  23. General information in relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):343-362.
    This paper sets out a philosophical interpretation of the model theory of Mares and Goldblatt (The Journal of Symbolic Logic 71, 2006). This interpretation distinguishes between truth conditions and information conditions. Whereas the usual Tarskian truth condition holds for universally quantified statements, their information condition is quite different. The information condition utilizes general propositions . The present paper gives a philosophical explanation of general propositions and argues that these are needed to give an adequate theory of (...) information. (shrink)
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    General canonical models for graded normal logics (graded modalities IV).C. Cerrato - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (2):241 - 252.
    We prove the canonical models introduced in [D] do not exist for some graded normal logics with symmetric models, namelyKB°, KBD°, KBT°, so that we define a new kind of canonical models, the general ones, and show they exist and work well in every case.
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    Logics of Generalization: Derrida, Grammatology and Transdisciplinarity.David Cunningham - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):79-107.
    This article seeks to explore some issues regarding the different modes of generality at stake in the formation of transdisciplinary concepts within the production of ‘theory’ in the humanities and social sciences. Focused around Jacques Derrida’s seminal account of ‘writing’ in his 1967 book Of Grammatology, the article outlines what it defines as a logic of generalization at stake in Derrida’s elaborations of a quasi-transcendental ‘inscription in general’. Starting out from the questions thereby raised about the relationship between (...)
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  26. Logic in general philosophy of science: old things and new things.Hannes Leitgeb - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):339 - 350.
    This is a personal, incomplete, and very informal take on the role of logic in general philosophy of science, which is aimed at a broader audience. We defend and advertise the application of logical methods in philosophy of science, starting with the beginnings in the Vienna Circle and ending with some more recent logical developments.
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  27. Generalized quantification as substructural logic.Natasha Alechina & Michiel van Lambalgen - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):1006-1044.
    We show how sequent calculi for some generalized quantifiers can be obtained by generalizing the Herbrand approach to ordinary first order proof theory. Typical of the Herbrand approach, as compared to plain sequent calculus, is increased control over relations of dependence between variables. In the case of generalized quantifiers, explicit attention to relations of dependence becomes indispensible for setting up proof systems. It is shown that this can be done by turning variables into structured objects, governed by various types of (...)
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  28. General Dynamic Dynamic Logic.Patrick Girard, Jeremy Seligman & Fenrong Liu - 2012 - In Thomas Bolander, Torben Braüner, Silvio Ghilardi & Lawrence Moss, Advances in Modal Logic 9. London, England: College Publications. pp. 239-260.
    Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) extends purely modal epistemic logic (S5) by adding dynamic operators that change the model structure. Propositional dynamic logic (PDL) extends basic modal logic with programs that allow the de nition of complex modalities. We provide a common generalisation: a logic that is dynamic in both senses, and one that is not limited to S5 as its modal base. It also incorporates, and signi cantly generalises, all the features of existing extensions of (...)
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    (1 other version)Generalized Quantifiers, Exception Phrases, and Logicality.Shalom Lappin - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (2-3):203-222.
    On the Fregean view of NP's, quantified NP's are represented as operator-variable structures while proper names are constants appearing in argument position. The Generalized Quantifier approach characterizes quantified NP's and names as elements of a unified syntactic category and semantic type. According to the Logicality Thesis, the distinction between quantified NP's, which undergo an operation of quantifier raising to yield operator-variable structures at Logical Form and non-quantified NP's, which appear in situ at LF, corresponds to a difference in logicality status. (...)
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  30. The general form of the proposition: The unity of language and the generality of logic in the early Wittgenstein.Denis McManus - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (4):295-318.
    The paper presents an interpretation of the thinking behind the early Wittgenstein's "general form of the proposition." It argues that a central role is played by the assumption that all domains of discourse are governed by the same laws of logic. The interpretation is presented partly through a comparison with ideas presented recently by Michael Potter and Peter Sullivan; the paper argues that the above assumption explains more of the key characteristics of the "general form of the (...)
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    General Models and Entailment Semantics for Independence Logic.Pietro Galliani - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):253-275.
    We develop a semantics for independence logic with respect to what we will call general models. We then introduce a simpler entailment semantics for the same logic, and we reduce the validity problem in the former to the validity problem in the latter. Then we build a proof system for independence logic and prove its soundness and completeness with respect to entailment semantics.
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    The logic of leibniz’s generales inquisitiones de analysi notionum et veritatum.Marko Malink & Anubav Vasudevan - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):686-751.
    TheGenerales Inquisitiones de Analysi Notionum et Veritatumis Leibniz’s most substantive work in the area of logic. Leibniz’s central aim in this treatise is to develop a symbolic calculus of terms that is capable of underwriting all valid modes of syllogistic and propositional reasoning. The present paper provides a systematic reconstruction of the calculus developed by Leibniz in theGenerales Inquisitiones. We investigate the most significant logical features of this calculus and prove that it is both sound and complete with respect (...)
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    On All Strong Kleene Generalizations of Classical Logic.Stefan Wintein - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):503-545.
    By using the notions of exact truth and exact falsity, one can give 16 distinct definitions of classical consequence. This paper studies the class of relations that results from these definitions in settings that are paracomplete, paraconsistent or both and that are governed by the Strong Kleene schema. Besides familiar logics such as Strong Kleene logic, the Logic of Paradox and First Degree Entailment, the resulting class of all Strong Kleene generalizations of classical logic also contains a (...)
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    Measuring Inconsistency in Generalized Propositional Logic Extended with Nonunary Operators.John Grant - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (3):373-404.
    As consistency is such an important topic in logic, researchers have for a long time investigated how to attain and maintain it. But consistency can also be studied from the point of view of its opposite, inconsistency. The problem with inconsistency in classical logic is that by the principle of explosion a single inconsistency leads to triviality. Paraconsistent logics were introduced to get around this problem by defining logics in such a way that the explosion principle does not (...)
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    Generalized Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger Arguments from Quantum Logical Analysis.Karl Svozil - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-23.
    The Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger argument against noncontextual local hidden variables is recast in quantum logical terms of fundamental propositions, states and probabilities. Unlike Kochen–Specker- and Hardy-like configurations, this operator based argument proceeds within four nonintertwining contexts. The nonclassical performance of the GHZ argument is due to the choice or filtering of observables with respect to a particular state. We study the varieties of GHZ games one could play in these four contexts, depending on the chosen state of the GHZ basis.
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    Generality of Logical Types.Brice Halimi - 2011 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 31 (1):85-107.
    My aim is to examine logical types in _Principia Mathematica_ from two (partly independent) perspectives. The first one pertains to the ambiguity of the notion of logical type as introduced in the Introduction (to the first edition). I claim that a distinction has to be made between types as called for in the context of paradoxes, and types as logical prototypes. The second perspective bears on typical ambiguity as described in Russell and Whitehead’s “Prefatory Statement of Symbolic Conventions”, inasmuch as (...)
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    General Terms and Logical Subjects.Michael Durrant - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):525 - 538.
    I subscribe to and defend frege's view that concepts are essentially predicative such that they can never occur as subjects of predication, Arguing against recent contentions of geach and strawson to the effect that (a) some general terms can so occur; (b) that 'anything whatever' can be a subject of predication. I discuss in detail frege's treatment of universally quantified propositions, Particular propositions, And unquantified propositions arguing that his thesis can be defended in each type of case.
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    Generalization in first-order logic.Hugues Leblanc - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (4):835-857.
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    Definitional equivalence and algebraizability of generalized logical systems.Alexej P. Pynko - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 98 (1-3):1-68.
    In this paper we define and study a generalized notion of a logical system that covers on an equal formal basis sentential, equational and sequential systems. We develop a general theory of equivalence between generalized logics that provides, first, a conception of algebraizable logic , second, a formal concept of equivalence between sequential systems and, third, a notion of equivalence between sentential and sequential systems. We also use our theory of equivalence for developing a general algebraic approach (...)
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  40. Nothing more or less than logic: General logic, transcendental philosophy, and Kant's repudiation of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre.Wayne M. Martin - 2003 - Topoi 22 (1):29-39.
    In this paper I lay the foundations for an understanding of one of Fichte's most neglected and least understood texts: the late lecture course on Transcendental Logic. I situate this work in the context of Fichte's lifelong struggle with the problem of understanding the relation between logic and philosophy – a problem that I show to figure centrally both in Fichte's own revolutionary thinking and in his response to Kant's notorious denunciation of the Wissenschaftslehre. By attending to this (...)
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  41. Frege on the Generality of Logical Laws.Jim Hutchinson - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):410-427.
    Frege claims that the laws of logic are characterized by their “generality,” but it is hard to see how this could identify a special feature of those laws. I argue that we must understand this talk of generality in normative terms, but that what Frege says provides a normative demarcation of the logical laws only once we connect it with his thinking about truth and science. He means to be identifying the laws of logic as those that appear (...)
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    The Grammatical Background of Kant's General Logic.Kurt Mosser - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (1):116-140.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant conceives of general logic as a set of universal and necessary rules for the possibility of thought, or as a set of minimal necessary conditions for ascribing rationality to an agent . Such a conception, of course, contrasts with contemporary notions of formal, mathematical or symbolic logic. Yet, in so far as Kant seeks to identify those conditions that must hold for the possibility of thought in general, such conditions (...)
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    Existential Import, Aristotelian Logic, and its Generalizations.Corina Strößner - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (1):69-102.
    The paper uses the theory of generalized quantifiers to discuss existential import and its implications for Aristotelian logic, namely the square of opposition, conversions and the assertoric syllogistic, as well as for more recent generalizations to intermediate quantifiers like “most”. While this is a systematic discussion of the semantic background one should assume in order to obtain the inferences and oppositions Aristotle proposed, it also sheds some light on the interpretation of his writings. Moreover by applying tools from modern (...)
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    General Logic and the Method of Metaphysical Deductions.Davide Dalla Rosa - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (3):245-254.
    This article focuses on the interpretation of the metaphysical deductions of the higher cognitive faculties in Gabriele Gava’s Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Method of Metaphysics. The aim is to assess the role that Kant’s general logic plays in these metaphysical deductions, the consequences for the analysis of the faculties, and the place of general logic in Gava’s overall theoretical analysis of Kant’s first Critique.
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    Measuring Inconsistency in Generalized Propositional Logic.John Grant - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (3):331-356.
    Consistency is one of the key concepts of logic; logicians have put a great deal of effort into proving the consistency of many logics. Understanding what causes inconsistency is also important; some logicians have developed paraconsistent logics that, unlike classical logics, allow some contradictions without making all formulas provable. Another direction of research studies inconsistency by measuring the amount of inconsistency of sets of formulas. While the initial attempt in 1978 was too ambitious in trying to do this for (...)
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  46. Categorial Indeterminacy, Generality and Logical Form in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Christopher Campbell - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):138-158.
    Many commentators have attempted to say, more clearly than Wittgenstein did in his Tractatus logico-philosophicus, what sort of things the ‘simple objects’ spoken of in that book are. A minority approach, but in my view the correct one, is to reject all such attempts as misplaced. The Tractarian notion of an object is categorially indeterminate: in contrast with both Frege's and Russell's practice, it is not the logician's task to give a specific categorial account of the internal structure of elementary (...)
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    Some observations about generalized quantifiers in logics of imperfect information.Fausto Barbero - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):456-486.
    We analyse the two definitions of generalized quantifiers for logics of dependence and independence that have been proposed by F. Engström, comparing them with a more general, higher order definition of team quantifier. We show that Engström’s definitions can be identified, by means of appropriate lifts, with special classes of team quantifiers. We point out that the new team quantifiers express a quantitative and a qualitative component, while Engström’s quantifiers only range over the latter. We further argue that Engström’s (...)
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    On the logic of general conditionals.R. N. McLaughlin - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (91):133-143.
    The aim of the essay is to devise a logic of conditionality which escapes the paradoxes which arise when the general conditional is identified with the universalization of the material conditional. The assumption I adopt is that the logic of one contingent form differs from that of another to the extent that the two forms have different confirmations and disconfirmations. The logic of conditionals is not, But that of their confirmations and disconfirmations is, At bottom truth-Functional; (...)
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  49. Keynes, Vague Concepts and Fuzzy Logic.John Coates - 1997 - In Geoffrey Colin Harcourt & P. A. Riach, A ”Second Edition' of the General Theory. Routledge. pp. 244-260.
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    Filtering unification and most general unifiers in modal logic.Silvio Ghilardi & Lorenzo Sacchetti - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):879-906.
    We characterize (both from a syntactic and an algebraic point of view) the normal K4-logics for which unification is filtering. We also give a sufficient semantic criterion for existence of most general unifiers, covering natural extensions of K4.2⁺ (i.e., of the modal system obtained from K4 by adding to it, as a further axiom schemata, the modal translation of the weak excluded middle principle).
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